
This first part of the EXPRESS course covers the following topics:

  • What is information, why do we need information models, and what is an information model?

  • EXPRESS background

  • STEP architecture

  • TYPE





What is information?

EXPRESS is concerned with the storing and transmitting information in computer systems. In particular, information about engineering data and processes.

Information definition

knowledge of ideas, facts and/or processes.

Here are some attributes of information:

  • Information can be exchanged between partners.

  • Exchange may be real time or delayed.

  • Information storage is a special case of communication.

What is an information model?

Because we are dealing with computer systems we need a precise definition of the information of interest. One goal is to be able to exchange information between Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Engineering (CAE), Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM), etc., systems so they can interoperate.

The model may describe things in general, for example an animal has legs, and there can be data corresponding to the model about particular things — my cat Jessie has three legs (but she can still catch birds).

Information Model (IM) definition

formal description of types (classes) of ideas, facts and processes which together form a model of a portion of interest of the real world.

Here are some attributes of an information model:

  • If a model is written in EXPRESS or any other computer sensible representation, it has the additional property of being computer processible.

  • An information model may be instantiated or populated to represent particular ideas, facts and processes.

  • An information model that is specialized to take account of a particular instantiation method is a concrete model. One that is implementation independent is a conceptual model.

This is a somewhat formal definition, but then we are going to be spending a lot of time with formal models and modeling.

It is intended to enable unambiguous communication about a limited topic (or range of topics).

The purpose of an information model is to identify clearly the objects in a ‘Universe of Discourse’ in order to enable people (and potentially computer systems) to communicate precisely about a domain of common interest.

An information model is composed of:

  • objects

  • relationships

  • constraints

which, taken together, provide a complete and unambiguous formal representation of a Universe of Discourse.

Why formal models?

In everyday conversation, and writing, there can be many ambiguities and we are good at deciding which meaning is meant. Computers are notoriously bad at this.

We tend to use the surrounding context to help in disambiguation and if this is missing we have difficulties.

Look at this list:

  1. Time flies like an arrow.

  2. Fruit flies like a banana.

  3. Joe saw the man with the telescope.

  4. Braces


    Hold up one’s trousers.


    Adjust one’s teeth.

  5. The date 1-3-91


    1st March 1991 (or is it 1891?)


    3rd January 1991

    • The first two example sentences are not ambiguous (to us) but looking at the pair…​

    • The third sentence is ambiguous just by itself.

    • Even a single word (braces) can be ambiguous.

    • Numerical data (1-3-91) can be ambiguous.

There are exercises about ambiguities in the Exercise section.

An information model is NOT…​

A model uses, or is associated with, various more common computer techniques, but it is essentially for human consumption.

An information model is NOT:

  • a database definition (even though terms such as schema are common)

  • a data structure definition (even though data instances of the model could be structured)

  • a program (even though procedural code and algorithms may be in the model).

A populated instance of an IM may be maintained using DB or similar technologies. IM constraints are often implemented via programmatic code.

Description methods of information models

Historically, formal information models have been specified using either a written (lexical) language or using a graphical (drawings) language.

The graphic constructs are usually boxes and lines connecting the boxes, together with some annotations on the diagram.

A graphical model can easily be the size of a wall, which might cause difficulties if you want to put one in a report.

An Information Model may be described:


using a formally defined lexical language. Examples include EXPRESS, IISyCL (Integrated Information Systems Constraint Language), VDM (Vienna Development Method), etc.


using an iconic or diagrammatic language such as EXPRESS-G, IDEF1X, OMT, UML, etc.

Supplementing textual models with diagrams can help the reader’s understanding. Graphical models nearly always require supplemental text for completeness.

Background on EXPRESS

EXPRESS development

EXPRESS developed as an information modeling language to meet the needs of product data exchange model definition.

It has been used, one way or another, for nearly 40 years!

The original requirement for designing EXPRESS was for use in specifying industry and international standards.

Other modeling techniques were reviewed but did not have the power that was felt to be needed, in particular constraint specifications. Also the languages were basically graphical although there were some proprietary lexical adjuncts.

Here’s a brief early history of the EXPRESS language:

  • The first version, called “DSL”, was developed under the USAF funded PDDI program (early 1980s).

  • The NBS PDES program reviewed NIAM and IDEF1X. Neither had the power needed.

  • NBS PDES started extending EXPRESS.

  • STEP mandated all ‘Normative’ models to be in EXPRESS.

  • EXPRESS and EXPRESS-G specifications published by NBS in the PDES draft, which eventually was standardized and adopted as ISO 10303-11.

  • Language still evolving.

EXPRESS standardization

EXPRESS has been formally approved as an International Standard by ISO, as ISO 10303-11, "Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 11: Description method: The EXPRESS language reference manual"

  • The first edition was formally approved and published in 1994.

  • The second edition was published in 2004.

The language is subject to ongoing review within STEP and by other users.

International public review as part of ISO standardization:

Early 1989

ISO Draft Proposal ballot

Mid 1991

ISO Committee Draft ballot

Oct 1991

Ballot successful — Draft International Standard status.

Mid 1993

Approved for registration as an International Standard (ISO 10303 Part 11).

End 1994

Published as International Standard ISO 10303-11:1994.

End 2003

Edition 2 approved as an International Standard.


Published as International Standard ISO 10303-11:2004.

Comparing modelling languages

EXPRESS is a data modelling language

Most modeling languages are graphical, which is inherently limiting.

For data modeling, most languages are targeted towards Relational Databases. Examples include IDEF1X, Shlaer-Mellor, Extended Entity-Relation.

UML is for modeling an object-oriented program. EXPRESS is for modeling data and naturally moved to an OO perspective (it was developed by practising engineers as user, not by computer scientists).

Table 1. Modelling language comparison
Characteristic EXPRESS Others











Derived Attributes


Entity + Type





















Graphical models

Graphic models are excellent for group explanations and work. They are easy to follow and develop with the support of multiple drawing tools and CAD programs.

There are some downsides, however:

  • they bring a lot of space to the board,

    Very good for group work — sketch on blackboard, but soon run out of space on the board. I have seen complete models that can take up a whole wall even with small print.
  • the model development may be superficial (even when it looks right),

    It’s difficult to check a model except by eyeballing it. It’s been a general experience over several decades of going from flowcharts to program code that many details get missed.
  • and they are not computer processable.

    It is difficult to formally specify a graphical language.

NIAM and IDEF1X are both graphical languages for modeling relational databases.

Textual models

Text languages (also called "lexical langauges") for modeling can be formally defined, both syntax and much of the semantics. This means that they can be made computer processable and so can be automatically checked for correctness (syntax) and completeness.

They can represent a variety of modeling approaches, from mathematical or logical schemes to things more readily understood.

They can include a programming language so constraints can be expressed in terms of a process as well as in terms of rules and regulations.

They provide opportunities for models to be manipulated, for example automatically developing test cases or checking that data conforms to the model.

In short, textual models have the following pros and cons.


  • Good formal definition or mathematical support.

  • Supports complex constraints and rules.

  • Computer processible.

  • Syntax and semantic checking.

  • Potential for automatic implementation (for model simulation and test).


  • May be non-intuitive (e.g logic based methods).

Introduction to EXPRESS

Textual with graphical modelling

EXPRESS is a language family for representing an information model.

EXPRESS started as a single lexical language but has since expanded into a family of languages, including EXPRESS-G, its graphical language.

EXPRESS has the following attributes:

  • Computer processable.

  • Provides a superset of NIAM and IDEF1X representation capabilities.

  • Exhibits an object oriented flavor.

  • Has several aspects (subsets)

It was developed by a small group (about 4 at any given time) for modeling the kinds of information used in engineering. CAD models, blueprints, mechanisms, engineering sign-off, and so on.

There were releases every quarter to a user group of about 50, who were full of their own suggestions and merrily changed the language in between times.

In the first years there were no compilers (the language was changing too rapidly) so there were no technical constraints — every use of the language was perfect, no bugs, no complaints!

One of the strengths of EXPRESS is that it much of it was developed by the end users.

The end user focus is also probably its major weakness as its initial coherence sank under the weight.

Aspects of EXPRESS

  • Implementation independent. EXPRESS supports the modeling of things and relationships in an implementation independent manner.

    The principal elements of EXPRESS are for representing things and the relationships between things (and as far as EXPRESS is concerned, a relationship is a thing). Groups of strongly related things can be collected together.

  • Algorithms for arbitrary constraint specifications. EXPRESS includes a Pascal-like programming language for specifying complex constraints.

  • Modeling of implementation dependent data structures. EXPRESS is a conceptual modeling language, so puts no restrictions on the number of characters in a name, and arithmetic is infinitely precise.

  • Graphical form. EXPRESS-G is the graphical form of EXPRESS, which is a subset of the lexical language.

  • Instantiation format. EXPRESS-I is a lexical language for displaying data (instances) that correspond to the concepts in EXPRESS.

  • Transformation form. EXPRESS-X is a lexical language that allows specification of desired changes to an EXPRESS model and then have them performed. Transformations principally consist of splitting or merging things and their relationships.


EXPRESS is widely used in the standards community for formal definition of data-related concepts.

Some use cases include:

  • Definition of the STEP models (hundreds of people from 20+ countries)

  • Reverse engineering of DBMS systems

  • Software Specification Document for CAD geometry processors

  • Electronic standards (VHDL, EDIF, CFI etc)

  • European ESPRIT projects

  • Data Definition Language for OO databases

  • Geological modeling

  • Genome modeling

In fact, EXPRESS can also be used to define the syntax, grammar, and semantics of the EXPRESS language.

Introduction to STEP


The story of STEP starts in the mid 1970’s with a small group trying to develop an ANSI standard for geometry data.

At the end of the 70’s McAuto (part of McDonnell Douglas) got a contract from CAM-I (Computer Aided Manufacturing — International) to develop a standard for data exchange between solid modeling systems; the result was not well received.

Just after this, Boeing (Walt Braithwaite), GE (Phil Kennicott) and the then National Bureau of Standards (Roger Nagel) produced IGES — Initial Graphics Exchange Specification for data exchange between CAD (Computer Aided Drawing) systems. This was reluctantly implemented by the major CAD vendors and rapidly became the ANSI Y14.6M standard (the last section of which was the McAuto work). Then came a proliferation of standards.

As IGES was not written in France, the French published their "SET" standard. CAM-I still wanted a solid model data exchange mechanism and came up with the XBF ("Experimental Boundary File"), an extension of IGES, which itself was going through several expansions. The Germans produced VDAFS specifically for sculptured surfaces as used for car bodies. The XBF work moved under the IGES umbrella and became ESP (Experimental Solids Proposal).

The USAF gave McDonnell Douglas a 2 part contract to:

  • (a) for a small amount of money, determine if IGES met USAF (and industry) requirements and if it did not;

  • (b) for a large amount of money, develop something that did.

Unsurprisingly, they determined that IGES was unsuitable and so came up with the PDDI standard. There was also yet another effort going on in Europe called the CAD*I project funded under the ESPRIT program.

IGES was experiencing growing pains and it seemed sensible to make a fresh start. Boeing (Kal Brauner and Dave Briggs) proposed PDES — Product Data Exchange Standard based on the best work from the US. In particular, they strongly urged that it should have a formal basis.

Somehow the international community got together and demanded just one standard — STEP, Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data, to be based on the technical work from the PDES group.

After a while some countries got upset as they felt that it had become a US standard (even though most participants were non-US). This dilemma was eventually resolved by changing the name of PDES to be — "Product Data Exchange using STEP" (which some then called Standard for Exchange using PDES).

01 pstphist

STEP standards

The STEP standard, ISO 10303, is really a suite of cooperating standards each member of which is a Part of ISO 10303.

The Parts are grouped into series.

  • Parts 11-19 form the Description Methods series, which include the EXPRESS family.

  • Parts 21-29 form the Implemantation Methods series, defining how to exchange data that corresponds to an EXPRESS model.

  • Parts 31-39 form the Conformance and Testing series, defining how to test STEP implementations.

  • Parts 41-99 form the Resources series, which define an integrated set of application independent EXPRESS information models for product descriptions.

  • Parts 201+ form the Application Protocol (AP) series, which specify application dependent information models for the purposes of data exchange.

01 pstpover

STEP architecture


The STEP architecture is centered around the Integrated Resource Models (IRs), which are defined using EXPRESS.

An Application Protocol (AP) is a subset of the IRs. It includes an EXPRESS model mapped from the EXPRESS models in the IRs.

The implementation methods, called Level 1, Level 2, and so on, are exchange mechanisms for data that corresponds to an EXPRESS model. They essentially consist of a mapping from EXPRESS to a data representation.

As far as a typical end user is concerned, the IRs are invisible and there are APs and exchange levels.

01 pstparch
Figure 1. STEP architecture

Level 1 exchange

Level 1 data exchange is file-based. Get your CAD system to create a STEP data file then archive it and/or send it to someone else (to read into their CAD system).

01 plevel1
Figure 2. STEP level 1 exchange

Level 2 exchange

Level 2 data exchange is memory-based. Get your CAD system to create a (temporary) STEP database which you can then query and change. The data can be written to a file for Level 1 use. At the end of the session the STEP database is no longer available.

01 plevel2
Figure 3. STEP level 2 exchange

Level 3 exchange

Level 3 data exchange is database-based. The STEP data is maintained in a (permanent) shared database. STEP level 1 files can be written and read by the database.

01 plevel3
Figure 4. STEP level 3 exchange

Procedural exchange

This allows not only data, but also commands (and their results) to be passed into and out of a CAX program in a standardised manner.

For example, instead of inserting the data representing, say, a block with a hole in it, tell the system to create a block, put a hole in it, and then perhaps move it to another position. The end result in terms of data values can be the same but the route is very different.

01 pfilproc
Figure 5. STEP procedural exchange

Level 4 Exchange

This was the vision when STEP started — intelligent knowledgebases as an exchange mechanism.

The vision has faded.

The majority of STEP implementations are Level 1 (file exchange). Internally, though, they are implemented using a Level 2 or 3 architecture.

01 plevel4
Figure 6. STEP level 4 exchange


EXPRESS primitives

These, plus literals, are the fundamental ‘things’ of the EXPRESS language.

Simple types

Number, Integer, Real, Binary, String, Boolean (T/F), Logical (T/F/U)

Structural types

Schema, Entity, Rule, Function, Procedure, Type (Defined, Select, Enumeration)

Aggregations (collection of things)

Array, Set, List, Bag

Procedural language

A Pascal-like, imperative programming language.

These are later described in detail.

Simple types

Number types

  • NUMBER is any kind of number with any value.

  • REAL is a decimal kind of NUMBER.

  • INTEGER is an integer kind of NUMBER and is a kind of REAL number.

Specifically, n : NUMBER has the following ‘subtypes’:

  • i : INTEGER

  • r : REAL

The numbers have infinite precision and can be as large or small as you like.

The procedural language lets you perform operations on NUMBERs.

These types may be given a ‘precision’. E.g REAL(6)

Various operations such as \$+, -, //, ">="\$, etc. may be applied to these types.

Logical and boolean types

EXPRESS provides for both 2- and 3-valued logical statements and expressions.

The procedural language lets you perform operations on logicals.

  • l : LOGICAL has values FALSE, UNKNOWN, and TRUE, with FALSE < UNKNOWN < TRUE.

  • b : BOOLEAN is a ‘subtype’ of LOGICAL having values of FALSE and TRUE only.

Comparisons on Booleans and Logicals can be performed (e.g \$=\$, \$<\$, \$<=\$, \$<>\$, etc.).

Other operations include NOT, AND, OR, XOR.

String and binary

A STRING is any sequence of any number of characters:

  • s : STRING - a sequence of characters

A BINARY is a specialisation of a STRING as it is limited to the digits 0 and 1:

  • bin : BINARY - a sequence of bits (0s and 1s)

The procedural language lets you perform operations (concatenation, subsetting and comparison) on strings.

These may be dynamic or fixed with a maximum size.

Example 1. STRING can be of a fixed size

These types may be concatenated and compared, and subsets addressed via indexing.

Example 2. STRING types can be concatenated, compared and substrings addressed via indexing
s1 : STRING := 's';
s2 : STRING := 'its';
s1 := s1 + s2;
IF s1[2:3] = 'it' THEN ...


Aggregations are collections of things. A collection may be ordered or unordered, and fixed or expandible in size, and with or without duplicates.

General form is AGGR [L:H] OF …​ where L and H are the Low and High bounds respectively (\$H >= L\$), and containing N elements. Bags, Lists and Sets may have an indefinite high bound denoted by ‘?’ character.


Ordered collection of elements. Satisfies constraint \$N = (H-L+1)\$.


Unordered collection with possibly duplicate elements. Satisfies constraint \$L <= N <= H " where " L >= 0\$.


Ordered collection with possibly duplicate elements. Satisfies constraint \$L <= N <= H " where " L >= 0\$.


Unordered collection with no duplicate elements. Satisfies constraint \$L <= N <= H " where " L >= 0\$.

LIST [L:H] OF UNIQUE …​ is used for an ordered collection with no duplicates.


A TYPE is a user-defined extension to the EXPRESS-defined simple types and aggregations. Every TYPE has a name chosen by the user.

These are the available TYPEs:

Defined type TYPE

A ‘renaming’ of a simple type or aggregation.

Example 3. Example of using ENUMERATION
Selection SELECT

A selection among some types.

Example 4. Example of using ENUMERATION
TYPE choose = SELECT(a,b,c); END_TYPE;

An ordered set of values represented by names.

Example 5. Example of using ENUMERATION
TYPE enum = ENUMERATION OF (up, down);
Example 6. Example of an aggregation of an aggregation
TYPE things = SET [1:?] OF
              LIST [1:?] OF thing;

"things" illustrates an aggregation of an aggregation.

Example 7. Example of an ENUMERATION with limited scope
                 (blonde, black, bald);

"hair_type" is not a particularly good example, but it does imply a limited scope for the model.

Example 8. Example of a SELECT between two alternatives
TYPE choose_thing = SELECT
                    (thing1, thing2);

"choose_thing" is a selection between two alternatives.




An ENTITY is a user defined object, representing an object of interest in the model of the Universe of Discourse. Simply put, an ENTITY represents some thing.

It has various components which will be described. Every ENTITY has a user-defined name.

The characteristics (properties) of an entity are defined in terms of data (attributes) and behaviour (constraints).

An entity may `inherit’ properties from another entity.


An attribute is some kind of data element that helps characterize the ENTITY. An attribute consists of a user-defined name and a specification of the kind of data.

The kind of data may be a (collection of) simple types, TYPEs or ENTITYs.

Attributes are either explicit or derived.

ENTITY circle;
  center : point;
  radius : length;
  perimeter : length := 2.0*PI*radius;


The data for calculating a derived attribute must be accessible from the entity.


Constraints limit the kind and/or values of the attributes' data.

Attribute values within entity instances may be constrained by either uniqueness requirements or by domain rules (WHERE clauses). These apply to every instance of the entity.

ENTITY circle;
  center : point;
  radius : length;
  un1 : center, radius;
  pos_rad : radius > 0.0;

A WHERE (domain) rule fails if it evaluates to FALSE.


In this case no two circles can have the same center AND radius.


Expresses logical expressions. In this case the radius must be positive length.

Example ENTITY

ENTITY person;
  first_name : STRING;
  last_name  : STRING;
  nickname   : OPTIONAL STRING;
  ss_no      : INTEGER;
  sex        : gender;
  spouse     : OPTIONAL person;
  children   : SET [0:?] OF person;
  un1 : ss_no;
  w1 : (EXISTS(spouse) AND sex <>
       OR NOT EXISTS(spouse);
  • The attributes are those things of interest about a person.

  • Not everyone has a nickname.

  • Not everyone has a spouse.

  • No two people have the same social security number.

  • The WHERE rule states that if someone has a spouse then the spouse must be of the opposite sex.


A Subtype ENTITY is a special kind of its supertype(s).

Subtypes inherit their properties of their Supertypes.

ENTITY natural_number;
  value : INTEGER;

ENTITY odd_number
  SUBTYPE OF (natural_number);

ENTITY prime_number
  SUBTYPE OF (natural_number);

Forgetting about Cantor and degrees of infinity:

  • There are fewer odd numbers than there are natural numbers.

  • There are fewer prime numbers than there are natural numbers.


FUNCTION is used for constraint definition and for derived attributes.

FUNCTION subset(sub,super :

  IF (SIZEOF(sub) > SIZEOF(super)) THEN
  REPEAT i := 1 TO SIZEOF(sub);
    IF (sub[i] IN super) THEN
      super := super - sub[i];


The particular example takes two aggregations and returns either TRUE or FALSE depending on whether or not the first is a subset of the second (i.e., every member of "sub" is also in "super").

Predefined Functions

EXPRESS includes a variety of predefined functions.

These include:

  • Mathematical (e.g ABS, SIN, SQRT etc)

  • Aggregation sizes (e.g LOBOUND, HIBOUND, SIZEOF, LENGTH)

  • Number/String conversion (FORMAT, VALUE)

  • EXISTS(V) checks for existance of OPTIONAL attribute V.

  • NVL(ATTR; SUBS) if ATTR has a value, then ATTR is returned, else SUBS is returned.

  • TYPEOF(V) returns the set of types of V.

  • USEDIN(T; R) takes an entity T and its role R that it plays in other entities and returns each entity instance that uses T in role R.

There is more on these later in the course.


EXPRESS includes the mathematical constants \$Pi\$ and \$e\$ (to infinite precision).

You can also define your own constants, but this is not often done.

  • Some predefined constants (PI, e).

  • User-defined constants

      thousand : NUMBER := 1000;
      million  : NUMBER := thousand**2;
      origin   : point := point(0.0, 0.0);


A SCHEMA contains the objects, relationships and constraints for a particular domain of interest.

Schemas provide a mechanism for partitioning the ‘real world’ into relevant domains. An EXPRESS model may contain more than one Schema.

Where multiple Schemas are used there is normally one ‘main’ schema and n ‘subsidiary’ schemas.

TYPE, ENTITY, FUNCTION definitions are contained within a SCHEMA.

The minimum EXPRESS model consists of a single empty SCHEMA. A model usually consists of more than one SCHEMA.

There must be well defined limits to the domain represented via a Schema — a single Schema should not be used to describe two different domains of interest.

From within a SCHEMA, you can get at anything in any other SCHEMA (there is no way to ‘hide’ something).
Example 9. Example of a SCHEMA
SCHEMA main;
  -- types, entities, rules, etc.

SCHEMA sub1;
  -- types, entities, rules, etc.



  • A powerful object-oriented information modeling language:

    • Primary form is a computer processable text language.

    • EXPRESS-G as a graphical subset.

    • EXPRESS-I as an instantiation form

    • EXPRESS-X transformation specification

  • A language standardized at ISO.

  • Normative STEP information models.

  • Widely used in the modeling communities.

  • Software tools available.