Conversion guide: "Metanorma with EXPRESS content" to "Model-based EXPRESS documentation in Metanorma"
This guide describes how to convert a "Metanorma document that contains EXPRESS" to a "Metanorma document with Annotated EXPRESS" which is the model-based method.
For example, this is to be applied to the PDF parts after converting into Metanorma.
Structure conversion
In the current ISO documents, the role of Metanorma is reversed with EXPRESS.
Text is handled in the blocks like this:
{document content}
{EXPRESS schema content}
{document content continued}
Notice that this is in the syntax of an EXPRESS comment. The intention here
is to reverse the structure, where the {document content}
exists as
Annotated EXPRESS objects within the EXPRESS schema.
Let’s reverse this so that we have:
{EXPRESS schema content}
{document content}
{EXPRESS schema content continued}
Now, anything outside the remarks is in plain EXPRESS.
We take ISO 10303-49, Clause 4 as an example.
This file sections/04-method_definition.adoc
contains this content
(partial copy):
== Method definition
The following EXPRESS declaration begins the *method_definition_schema* and
identifies the necessary external references.
EXPRESS specification:
SCHEMA method_definition_schema;
REFERENCE FROM action_schema
The schemas referenced above can be found in the following parts of ISO 10303:
action_schema:: <<iso10303-41>>
document_schema:: <<iso10303-41>>
NOTE: See <<annexD>>, <<figD1>>, for a graphical presentation of this schema.
=== Introduction
The subject of the ...
=== Fundamental concepts and assumptions
The *method_definition_schema* provides ...
=== method_definition_schema type definitions
==== relationship_with_condition
A *relationship_with_condition* type ...
EXPRESS specification:
TYPE relationship_with_condition = SELECT
==== process_or_process_relationship
A *process_or_process_relationship* type ...
EXPRESS specification:
TYPE process_or_process_relationship = SELECT
Given this input, we want to reverse the roles to obtain a new file:
The resulting file looks like this (method_definition_schema.exp
SCHEMA method_definition_schema;
REFERENCE FROM action_schema
This content is auto-generated in Metanorma Annotated EXPRESS so we don’t need to convert:
The NOTEs goes into a __note
remark tag:
(*"method_definition_schema.__note The schemas referenced above can be found in the following parts of ISO 10303: action_schema:: <<iso10303-41>> document_schema:: <<iso10303-41>> ... *) (*"method_definition_schema.__note See <<annexD>>, <<figD1>>, for a graphical presentation of this schema. *)
Then, this content goes into a Annotated EXPRESS block:
=== Introduction
The subject of ...
The subject of ...
This content goes into __fund_cons
=== Fundamental concepts and assumptions
The *method_definition_schema* provides ...
(*"method_definition_schema.__fund_cons" The *method_definition_schema* provides ... *)
Then this text:
=== method_definition_schema type definitions
==== relationship_with_condition
A *relationship_with_condition* type ...
EXPRESS specification:
TYPE relationship_with_condition = SELECT
==== process_or_process_relationship
A *process_or_process_relationship* type ...
EXPRESS specification:
TYPE process_or_process_relationship = SELECT
⇒ becomes:
(*"method_definition_schema.relationship_with_condition" A *relationship_with_condition* type ... *) TYPE relationship_with_condition = SELECT (action_method_relationship, action_relationship, context_dependent_action_method_relationship, context_dependent_action_relationship); END_TYPE; (*"method_definition_schema.process_or_process_relationship" A *process_or_process_relationship* type... *) TYPE process_or_process_relationship = SELECT (product_definition_process, property_process, relationship_with_condition); END_TYPE;
Content conversion
Schema information conversion
In a schema if there are lines like this:
ENTITY action_method_with_associated_documents
SUBTYPE OF (action_method);
documents : SET [l:?] of document;
It means that action_method_with_associated_documents
is defined in the
current schema.
Given a text like this, we need to convert them:
An *action_method* defines a potential means of satisfying an *action*.
An *action_method_to_select_from*, an **action_method_with_associated_document**s,
and an *action_method_associated_documents_constrained*,
specify different types of **action_method**s
that may be used to satisfy an action.
To reflect the actual EXPRESS entity with schema information:
An *action_method* defines a potential means of satisfying an *action*.
An <<express:method_definition_schema.action_method_to_select_from,action_method_to_select_from>>,
an <<express:method_definition_schema.action_method_with_associated_document,action_method_with_associated_documents>>,
and an
specify different types of **action_method**s that may be used to satisfy an action.
References to external schema
In a schema if there are lines like this:
REFERENCE FROM action_schema (action_method, action_method_relationship, action_relationship);
This means that the entities called action_method
and action_relationship
come from the schema
Given a text like this, we need to convert them:
An *action_method* defines a potential means of satisfying an *action*.
An *action_method_to_select_from*, an **action_method_with_associated_document**s,
and an *action_method_associated_documents_constrained*,
specify different types of **action_method**s
that may be used to satisfy an action.
To reflect the actual EXPRESS entity with fully resolved schema information:
An <<express:action_schema.action_method,action_method>>
defines a potential means of satisfying an
An *action_method_to_select_from*, an **action_method_with_associated_document**s,
and an *action_method_associated_documents_constrained*, specify different types of
<<express:action_schema.action_method,action_methods>> that may be used to satisfy an action.
Fully expressed references
Combining the above two approaches, from this text:
An *action_method* defines a potential means of satisfying an *action*. An *action_method_to_select_from*, an **action_method_with_associated_document**s, and an *action_method_associated_documents_constrained*, specify different types of **action_method**s that may be used to satisfy an action.
We get:
An <<express:action_schema.action_method,action_method>> defines a potential means of satisfying an <<express:action_schema.action,action>>. An <<express:method_definition_schema.action_method_to_select_from,action_method_to_select_from>>, an <<express:method_definition_schema.action_method_with_associated_document,action_method_with_associated_documents>>, and an <<express:method_definition_schema.action_method_associated_documents_constrained,action_method_associated_documents_constrained>>, specify different types of <<express:action_schema.action_method,action_methods>> that may be used to satisfy an action.
The converted method_definition_schema.exp
would look like this:
SCHEMA method_definition_schema; REFERENCE FROM action_schema (action_method, action_method_relationship, action_relationship); ... (*"method_definition_schema.__note The schemas referenced above can be found in the following parts of ISO 10303: action_schema:: <<iso10303-41>> document_schema:: <<iso10303-41>> ... *) (*"method_definition_schema.__note See <<annexD>>, <<figD1>>, for a graphical presentation of this schema. *) (*"method_definition_schema" The subject of ... *) (*"method_definition_schema.__fund_cons" The *method_definition_schema* provides... *) (*"method_definition_schema.relationship_with_condition" A *relationship_with_condition* type ... *) TYPE relationship_with_condition = SELECT (action_method_relationship, action_relationship, context_dependent_action_method_relationship, context_dependent_action_relationship); END_TYPE; (*"method_definition_schema.process_or_process_relationship" A *process_or_process_relationship* type ... *) TYPE process_or_process_relationship = SELECT (product_definition_process, property_process, relationship_with_condition); END_TYPE; (*"method_definition_schema.action_method_with_associated_documents" An **action_method_with_associated_document**s is a type ... *) (*"method_definition_schema.action_method_with_associated_documents.__example" A process specification document that ... *) ENTITY action_method_with_associated_documents SUBTYPE OF (action_method); documents : SET [l:?] of document; END_ENTITY; ... END_SCHEMA; -- method_definition_schema
Attribute conversion
Given this text:
ENTITY action_method_with_associated_documents
SUBTYPE OF (action_method);
documents : SET [l:?] of document;
Attribute definitions:
**document**s:: the set of one or more documents that identifies the *action_method*.
It should be converted into:
ENTITY action_method_with_associated_documents
SUBTYPE OF (action_method);
documents : SET [l:?] of document;
the set of one or more documents that identifies the *action_method*.
Formal propositions conversion
Given this text:
Formal propositions:
*WR1*:: The *number_of_elements* shall be greater than or equal to one.
*WR2*:: The value of the *number_of_elements* shall ...
It should be converted into:
The *number_of_elements* shall be greater than or equal to one.
The value of the *number_of_elements* shall ...
Informal propositions conversion
Given this text:
ENTITY serial_action_method
SUBTYPE OF (action_method_relationship);
Informal propositions:
*IP1*:: Individual **action_method**s in a collection...
It should be converted into:
Individual **action_method**s in a collection...
Notes, examples, figures and tables
These objects are to be converted into native Annotated EXPRESS remarks.
For example, this content:
==== sequential_method
A *sequential_method* is ...
NOTE: See <<annexE>> for an extended example using indexes for *sequential_method*.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY sequential_method
SUBTYPE OF (serial_action_method);
sequence_position : count_measure;
Attribute definitions:
*sequence_position*:: the position of ...
Informal propositions:
*IP1*:: There shall be ...
NOTE: This proposition...
NOTE: If the *sequential_method* ...
NOTE: The context ...
Needs to become:
ENTITY sequential_method
SUBTYPE OF (serial_action_method);
sequence_position : count_measure;
A *sequential_method* is ...
This proposition ...
If the *sequential_method* ...
The context ...
the position of ...
There shall be ...
Place the annotations after the EXPRESS declarations. |